

Smalblaar Canyon

What to Expect

Spend the day with a group of friends or fellow travellers exploring a mossy green canyon which flows all year round.

We descend down 4 to 6 waterfall abseils and scramble the rest of the way through a beautiful narrow canyon, which eventually opens up to reveal a majestic vista.

Some of the abseils are easy, like “The Firemans Abseil”, others like “ToothBreaker” and “The Slippery Kitchen Floor”are slightly wilder. The day also includes jumping from 2m to 14m cliffs landing in a 9m deep plunge pool.

The jumps are not compulsory. Twenty minutes walk and you arrive at the vehicle, 5 minutes later quenching your thirst on something deliciously cold.

Hours spent in the Canyon
Highest Abseil
Highest Jump

Smalblaar Canyoning Trip Description

Medium Difficulty


  • The day starts at 07h30 at the top of the mountain; there is a tarred road on the private property that gives us easy access. Everyone changes into their wet gear as well as fitting helmets and harnesses. There is a short 15 minute walk of about 400m that we then take to get down to the waterfalls where we will spend the day.


  • There are 6 waterfalls ranging in height from 9 meters up to 45 meters, we abseil down, depending on water levels and group sizes, but you will be guaranteed of a minimum of 4 waterfall abseils. The other waterfalls provide us with scrambles and safety lines to descend.


  • There is a point of no return after the third waterfall abseil and thus this trip is not for the faint hearted as the larger waterfalls, 45m/ 35m/ 30m come shortly thereafter.


  • The second waterfall provides us with a beautiful jump pool with voluntary jump options ranging from 2m/ 3m/ 6m/ 10m/ 12m/ 14m.


  • During the summer months the water temperature is around 18°celsius and there is lots of sunshine in the gorge where you can easily warm up.


  • This all takes place on private property and I am the only person whom is allowed to access these waterfalls thus making it a very exclusive day out. 


  • The total distance covered descending the gorge and the short walk back to the transport is not more than 2km. The Gorge itself drops off about 350m in altitude over a distance of around 900m in distance, thus making it very steep.


  • The trip can be quite tiring both physically and mentally for people, even for those whom are fit as the combination of adrenaline and constantly focusing on balance can take its toll. However the reward for descending the whole gorge is fantastic as it just keeps on getting more beautiful as you make your way down.


The general time for being back at the vehicles is around 16h30 and people can thus be back in Cape Town by 18h30. (The time of each trip is dependent on the number of people, weather conditions and individual ability) Return times can only be estimated.

Smalblaar Adventure Prices starting at R1650,00

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